
What stores

  • IP address
  • User agent
  • Timestamp when the action happened
  • What the action was

When stores the data

The storage of personal data (see above) will take place when the visitor successfully logs in as an administrator, and when the logged in uses administrative functions.

Why stores the data

The storage takes place to try and stop unauthorized access to administrative functions. Any unauthorized access will be blocked as soon as they are detected.

How stores the data

The information classified as personal data according to the GDPR will be salted and encrypted with AES-256 before being saved in the database. Everything else will not be stored encrypted (in other words, they are stored in clear text).

The owner of owns the encryption keys and has access to both these and the salting strings.

For how long the data will be stored

The data will be stored for 1 month. After this period, all information will be permanently deleted.

The right to delete your data

The owner of fully complies with what the law on data storage says. You thus have the right to contact the owner and request to be removed, if the website has stored any personal information about you.

You can see if anything has been stored about you on the following page:

Contact the owner if any personal information about you has been stored and you wish to delete it. Include the device's IP address in your removal request.

Contacting the owner

You can find the owner's contact information on the home page.